Monday, January 7, 2008

NEW! Low Cost Option For Those On A Budget

You should not have to accept inferior wedding photography just because you happen to be on a slightly restrictive budget.

I have introduced a new package that now means you can enjoy quality photographs of your very special day.

The package has been specially designed to cater for the couple that either only require a few special photographs or who have decided that spending £3000 on a photographer just is not going to happen.

So, here's the new package which costs just £425 (including VAT) :

Includes: 20 Photographs up to 5"x5" in a beautiful Traditional Wedding Album
Up to 3 hours of coverage of your Wedding including, but not limited to:

  • Arrival of Guests.

  • Arrival of the Groom and Best Man.

  • Arrival of the Bride and her Bridesmaids.

  • Coverage of the Ceremony (if allowed by the Venue).

  • Signing of the Wedding Register.

  • After Wedding Group photos.

  • Portraits of the Wedding Couple.

Additional options, such as cutting of the cake, can be added to this option for a small extra fee.

You can get more details of this package and others at the website.

Just click on the link to be taken there.

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